Fly me to you

I have a passion for travel and love being whisked away, with an American passport, a couple languages up my sleeve, and an eager attitude, iā€™m your perfect globe trotting side kick. 

Whether im traveling with you, or to you, i will need a first class domestic airfair ticket, or a business class international ticket. I also require 8 hours of beauty sleep and one hour of alone time to freshen up.

please email me at for any additional travel questions you may have. .

Travel Donations

fly me to you for the day | 18 hours | 10,000

fly me to you international (minimum 24 hours) | 12,000

Fly me to you for the weekend (48 Hours) 20,000

Each additional Day 5,000

  • a deposit of 50% must be made for these dates plus travel expenses